Try out these suggestions to make your pool more environmentally friendly. Going green extends beyond recycling and turning off your lights when you’re not using them. In fact, there are many different life changes that you can make to better support the environment. For instance, if you own a pool, there are steps you can take to make it more
Try out these suggestions to show your pool some love. While Valentine’s Day is all about lavishing affection on your significant other, there’s no reason why you can’t spread the love. In fact, there are many things you can do to show your pool a little love this Valentine’s Day. Here are some of the suggestions you should try. Clean
How long should you wait to swim after shocking your pool? Shocking your pool refers to a cleaning method where you add three to five times the normal amount of chlorine to your pool water. This process raises the chlorine levels in your pool in a very short amount of time and works to rapidly kill any bacteria. However, shocking
Here’s what you need to know about installing an inground pool. Installing an inground pool is a serious investment of time and money. Not only are inground pools very expensive, but they can also completely change the aesthetic of your outdoor space. This is why the decision to get an inground pool should not be taken lightly. Before you take
Learn more about concrete swimming pools. When you’re selecting the right swimming pool for your needs, there are a ton of options for you to choose from. One of your options is a concrete pool. But what makes a concrete pool desirable or distasteful? Here are some pros and cons of concrete pools for you to consider. Pros Customizable – One
Learn about the different finishes for your pool’s interior. What’s the point of having a pool if you’re not comfortable swimming in it? If you find that your pool’s interior surface is rough, then you might want to consider updating your pools interior finish. From plaster to pebble to tile, here’s what you should know about the different pool finishes.
Here are some interesting facts about saltwater pools. If you are interested in getting a pool, it’s important to weigh your different options. One of the decisions you will have to make is whether you will go the traditional route, or perhaps try a saltwater pool. Not familiar saltwater pool systems? Here are some interesting things to consider. 1) Salt
Learn how to find the right pool fence to address your needs. In recent years, there has been a greater emphasis placed on enforcing pool fence requirements throughout the country. This newfound interest in pool fences has made pools safer, and has saved many lives. If you are interested in choosing a fence to make your pool safer, here is
In honor of Thanksgiving, here are some reasons why you should be thankful for your pool. Thanksgiving is a day to show your gratitude for your loved ones and all your blessings. This year, make sure you remember to be grateful for your pool as well. Here are some of the best reasons to be grateful for your pool this
Learn which plants will give your pool the pop it needs. Does your pool area look a little drab? Then a little bit of landscaping might help spruce things up a bit! When selecting the right plants for your pool area, it’s important to choose plants that are low maintenance, safe, and fit the aesthetic of your backyard. You should